Maria do Céu Patrão Neves is Professor of Ethics, President of the National Ethics Council for Life Sciences, Vice-President of the European Group of Ethics in Science and New Technologies, Member of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), of UNESCO, of the Steering Committee for Human Rights in the fields of Biomedicine and Health (CDBIO), of the Council of Europe, and of the Academy of Sciences. She is also an Ethics Expert and Project Evaluator for the European Commission, and has published 38 books (authored and edited), authored more than two hundred articles in national and foreign journals and in collective works. She was an advisor to the President of the Republic and a Member of the European Parliament.
read more(2018) Não se desiste da vida, cuida-se da pessoa
Periódicos Açoreanos, 1ª quinzena de Maio, 2018
(2017) Strike against the Saturdays ?! Really?
Periódicos Açoreanos, 1ª quinzena de Setembro, 2017
(2017) Nothing new
Periódicos Açoreanos, 1ª quinzena de Agosto, 2017
(2017) Pessoas: entre as não-humanas e as electrónicas
Periódicos Açoreanos, 1ª quinzena de Março, 2017
(2015) O Natal não é “todos os dias” nem “quando o homem quiser”
Periódicos Açoreanos, 2ª quinzena de Dezembro 2015
(2015) De tempos a tempos...
Periódicos Açorianos, 2ª quinzena de Abril 2015
(2015) O espaço público europeu
Periódicos Açoreanos, 1ª quinzena de Março 2015
(2015) We and Greece
Periódicos Açoreanos, 2ª quinzena de Fevereiro 2015
(2015) Yes,
Periódicos Açoreanos, 2ª quinzena de Janeiro 2015
(2024) Jornal de Notícias: "Testamento vital foi um passo importante, mas adesão é baixa"
Com Inês Malhado, 1 de Julho de 2024
(2024) Jornal de Notícias: "Portugueses voltam a fazer menos testamentos vitais"
Com Inês Machado, 23 de Fevereiro 2024
(2024) Especial “Inteligência Artificial”
Diurna Edição, Fevereiro, 2024, Ano 4, n.º 14: 116-123
Maria do Céu Patrão Neves is Professor of Ethics, President of the National Ethics Council for Life Sciences, Vice-President of the European Group of Ethics in Science and New Technologies, Member of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), of UNESCO, of the Steering Committee for Human Rights in the fields of Biomedicine and Health (CDBIO), of the Council of Europe, and of the Academy of Sciences. She is also an Ethics Expert and Project Evaluator for the European Commission, and has published 38 books (authored and edited), authored more than two hundred articles in national and foreign journals and in collective works. She was an advisor to the President of the Republic and a Member of the European Parliament.
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